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More on (dun dun dahhhh...) Abortion
Posted By: Jezzika, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2001, at 19:19:57

Ok, judging from some of the heated posts on this subject in an earlier thread, this is certainly a touchy subject for many of you.

Women have ALWAYS found ways to abort an unwanted baby. These methods have been dangerous, unsuccessful, and often unsanitary. Abortion MUST be legal, and there must be trained doctors available to perform this procedure without fear of being arrested or abused by others.

Some of you believe life begins at conception, and many of you believe this because of your religion. Well, not everyone in this country goes to church, and many Americans disagree with your idea of sin. When life begins cannot be dictated by religious beliefs, and there is no certain answer. I VERY much resent anyone trying to make me follow their religious doctrine through law. This can't be compared to other laws which have religious counterparts, such as "thou shalt not steal."

And another thing about abortion---NO ONE goes into it lightly. I don't truly believe anyone would use it as birth control over other options which prevent conception in the first place.

If a woman wants to get an abortion, she must visit the clinic, where she will be tested and counseled by therapists who make sure she is educated on her options, such as adoption. Then she is sent home for a week to think about it. She then returns to the clinic, where she sits in the waiting room for maybe six hours, hungry because of fasting for twelve hours. Finally, she gets to the operating room, where she is administered a local anesthetic and goes through the painful and traumatic procedure. She is taken to the "post-op" room, given birth control and pain pills, and sent home. She then spends the next few weeks bleeding and suffering terrible abdominal cramps. Not to mention the $300 bill, not counting medication.

My point is that abortion is never easily accomplished. Women do not get abortions on a whim. They get them because they believe it is necessary. Do you really want even *more* unwanted babies is this world?

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