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Re: A finely-tempered chord.
Posted By: Don the Monkeyman, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 13, 2001, at 21:48:25
In Reply To: Re: A finely-tempered chord. posted by Wolfspirit on Wednesday, June 13, 2001, at 21:14:59:

> Wolf "and that's a longer post, for me" spirit

In general, I think I agree with Wolf here--long is not inherently bad. Of course, unemployment does give me a little more time to read the Forum. :-)

I also see the point raised mainly by Ferrick, though--sometimes there seems to be a little redundancy, and I had also noticed the smokescreen appearance thing. I think the solution is somewhere in the middle, though. Arthur, I would like to propose that if you wish to make a change to your posting style, you should start editing the content and perhaps order of your posts, removing redundant passages and tangents. (I tend to go on tangents as well, but with posts as long as yours, you may want to focus only on the core issue.) The idea here would be to edit without specifically trying to shorten the posts--only shorten when redundant information exists. I don't know how good this solution is, but I thought I'd throw it out there, since the topic is being discussed anyway, and you (like me) are very open to constructive criticism. :-)

Don "Should take his own advice and edit his own posts more often" Monkey