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Re: Length requirements for the faint-hearted
Posted By: Arthur, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 13, 2001, at 20:46:58
In Reply To: Re: Length requirements for the faint-hearted posted by gabby on Wednesday, June 13, 2001, at 20:24:56:

> > Ar"hey, this post was kind of shorter than the others; or am I just being paranoid now? It feels like freshman English again, trying to pare down to length requirements; [snip] "thur
> This thought is totally alien to me. I have never before heard of anyone doing anything but the opposite, trying to expand and expand their writing to meet the minimum requirements. I've also never had a teacher give a maximum limit on writings...
> gabby

I guess I'm special, then. :) Any teacher who has me in a class finds herself attaching maximum length requirements pretty fast... For the narcissistic, adding is the easy part. It's subtracting our own immortal prose we find physically painful.

Seriously, if my plane ever crashed in the middle of nowhere and I was forced to live in a primitive tribal culture, I'd probably be commemorated as the Rambling God. Or He-Who-Must-Be-Shut-Up. One of my friends' pet nicknames for me is Soliloquy Boy. (If only real life were like the Wonder Years, but when you break into philosophical discourse in real life people tend to stare and call the police.)

I once wrote a self-parody called "The Adventures of Mr. Redundancy Man, He Who Is Needlessly Redundant", but it was more annoying than funny. It was the first thing I thought of when I saw "The Adventures of Smart Man", though.

Of course, as I said before, part of it is the pent-up excitement of being set free for the summer exploding out of me, but part of it is a natural personality flaw. :( Please try to bear with me. I'm trying to get better. Really I am.

Ar"baby steps, one less word every day"thur

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