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Re: The Biological Facts
Posted By: Dave, on host
Date: Friday, June 15, 2001, at 10:39:12
In Reply To: Re: The Biological Facts posted by Arthur on Tuesday, June 12, 2001, at 22:37:14:

> Conclusion: It seems logical to me to define a
>person by the soul and to locate the soul by the
>brain; a fetus without a brain would therefore
>as yet be without a soul and be defined as a
>potential person but not yet a person.

I was pretty much nodding my head in agreement right up until this point. This whole soul thing just came out of left field. You talk science, then throw in the soul? If you believe in a "soul" like a Christian believes in a soul, then most likely you believe we get souls at conception. If you're not religious or your religion doesn't include a concept of a "soul", then there's no point in even including it in your argument--the argument for "brain activity defines human existance" is strong enough by itself.

-- Dave

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