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Re: A finely-tempered chord.
Posted By: Arthur, on host
Date: Friday, June 15, 2001, at 12:06:09
In Reply To: Re: A finely-tempered chord. posted by Jezzika on Thursday, June 14, 2001, at 17:45:56:

> >
> > Ar"surprised to find out he has fans; okay, one fan"thur
> >
> Hey I said I liked your long posts, too. I'm always forgotten. :(
> --Jez"wahh"zika

I'm sorry. *sigh* This is the fourth time I've snubbed someone named Jessica (okay, Jezzika) this week. It's some weird karmic principle or something. :)

"Ahem. I'd just like to take a minute now to say how much I appreciate *all* my fans. I couldn't do it without you. You, truly, are the... er, the second member of... of Arthur."

So the speech doesn't make that much sense taken out of context. Oh well.

Actually, it's odd. In RL I seem to get along well with people named Jessica, or some variant thereof. I have three good friends, Jessica W., Jessica O., and Jessica B., all of whom I've had a crush on at one point or another, all of whom I've unintentionally done something mean to this week, and all of whom tend to come rushing to my defense against girls who don't like me. Oddly enough, those girls tend to usually be named Nicole. (Actually, Nikki, or Nici, or whatever, spelled numerous different ways.) And don't even get me started on my love/hate relationships with Kristens... (Or Kristins. Or Christins. Or Christines.) Not to mention that I seem to have a tendency to always be the least popular Arthur in a room. (Heck, they even like Arturo at school better than me.)

Ar"thinking of doing a paper on interpersonal psychological dynamics based on first names"thur

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