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Re: Christianity
Posted By: Jezzika, on host
Date: Monday, February 26, 2001, at 10:34:41
In Reply To: Re: Christianity posted by dingdong on Monday, February 26, 2001, at 06:00:44:

I think the differences are a good thing, and like a previous post said, the core issues do stay the same. Even within a denomination, there are differences. I was raised Baptist, but my old church was very different from the Southern Baptist churches.

It's the little differences that mean a lot to some people. My old church did not condemn homosexuality, and it promoted feminism. There are some that view those things as corrupting to the family (such as the popular Focus on The Family group here in Colorado Springs), so they have churches that adhere to those "little things".

My mother has attended several different churches: she was raised Catholic, attended a Quaker church for a while because it was the only one around, and Baptist. She has told me that if the Catholic way was the only way, she'd have given up her faith decades ago. (Not meant to be a put-down on Catholics--my mother just was unhappy during her strict Catholic upbringing.)

I don't think non-Christians would view this diversity as an inability to make up our minds. The fact that there are so many different ways to worship the same God most likely attracts some people.

--Jez"Church of the Sub-Genius"zika

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