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Re: Umbrage taking, round 2
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Wednesday, February 28, 2001, at 12:22:01
In Reply To: Re: Umbrage taking, round 2 posted by Mia on Wednesday, February 28, 2001, at 11:49:56:

> > I don't agree with that. My mother went to Mass in the 40's and 50's, and she thought it was dull. Thinking that Mass is boring has nothing to do with the lack of sound affects. People think it's boring because it doesn't involve them, they can't relate.
> Isn't it strange that two different people, listening to the EXACT SAME sermon can get two different responses?

My initial response to this post struck me as so funny I just have to mention it. I read forum posts from the Recent Messages page, and immediately before reading this one, I'd been reading the Ray Bradbury "Martian Chronicles" thread and posted a reply.

So I open up this one and, not having yet switched gears back to "Umbrage Taking" religious-discussion mode, I manage to read the above as "Mars in the '40s and '50s...really dull...people thinking Mars is boring..."

Believe it or not, this actually lasted almost right through reading Mia's response. I was thinking, "wow, only on this forum could somebody reply to a post about Mars science fiction by bringing in analogies to a religious sermon."

Brunnen-"dork of the year"G

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