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Re: Umbrage taking, round 2
Posted By: Jannette, on host
Date: Tuesday, February 27, 2001, at 13:51:58
In Reply To: Re: Umbrage taking, round 2 posted by Grishny on Tuesday, February 27, 2001, at 10:42:13:

> I'm not a Catholic, but I am a Christian; specifically a Baptist. We don't have Mass, but we do celebrate Communion, i.e. The Lord's Supper, regularly. And we view it in much the same way that you do.
> A renewal of your relationship with God is a very good way to put it. It is a time to reflect on your life; to examine yourself before God and make certain that there is absolutely nothing getting in the way of your relationship with Him.
> It's a very serious and reverent time, and you're right. It doesn't need to be "fun." But neither should it become a meaningless ritual. Paul rebuked the Corinthians for that very sin, and a sin it was...serious enough that many of the people who abused the Lord's Supper died because of it.
> It is very good to see you, a Catholic, taking your relationship with God seriously. I have known very few Catholics who did. Most that I have known were Catholic because their family was Catholic; they went to church because it was expected of them and it was the respectable thing to do. It really was just a religion to them, without any real meaning to their everyday lives. And what is the point of that?

I agree... sort of. I guess with Catholics, they keep practicing, even when they don't believe. I think people of other denominations just stop going to church, just cut God out of their lives completely. Which is worse?

Do svidaniya,
Jannette ("Though I do come from a large Polish Catholic family.")

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