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Re: Learning About Forgiveness From Vegetables
Posted By: Kiki, on host
Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2001, at 16:56:19
In Reply To: Re: Learning About Forgiveness From Vegetables posted by Den-Kara on Wednesday, January 10, 2001, at 16:52:37:

> You are WAY too interested in this topic, you know. LOL. I've only seen one episode of Veggie Tales...oh...that was back in, I'd say...8th grade when I went to the church Halloween party all-nighter thingamajig. I will admit, however, that the celery stalk is cute.
> ~Den-"whatever it's name is"Kara

There's only one Celery stalk, and that's Frankencelery, in "Where's God When I'm Sc-sc-scared?" I assume you mean Jr. asparagus - the one with the baseball cap?

Ki"yeah, I know I am... but I have a 2 year old brother!"ki

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