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Re: Learning About RW from Scallions
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Friday, January 12, 2001, at 08:00:47
In Reply To: Re: Learning About RW from Scallions posted by Wolfspirit on Friday, January 12, 2001, at 07:55:51:

> They're called "eschalotte" in French French (and in presumably in the more hoity-toity English European restos). In Quebec French, they're simply called "oignons verts" (green onions). A French-Canadian slang phrase to describe bundling up your children in so many layers of winter clothing that their arms stick right out is to say "comme un oignon" (meaning bundled and tied up tight like onion layers).
> Wolfspirit

Hey, that's cool! We know some missionaries in Quebec; next time we email them we can show off our new knowledge and ask them if their kids are "comme un oignon!" Thanks "Esprit de Loup!"

Gri"Esprit d'Orc!"shny