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Re: Learning About RW from Scallions
Posted By: flyingcats, on host
Date: Saturday, January 20, 2001, at 11:06:12
In Reply To: Re: Learning About RW from Scallions posted by Wolfspirit on Saturday, January 20, 2001, at 07:33:02:

> > > > > You might have to look this one up. Does anybody know what a "ramp" is? Hint: I have *not* changed the subject.
> > > > > Howard
> > > >
> > > > Is 'ramp' a type of garlicky onion? Or, exactly as the redoubtable Puck says, is it another member of the onion family (like garlic).
> > > >
> > > > Wolf "Actually I don't know. What is it?" spirit
> > >
> > > You get an A+ on that one. They grow wild in the Great Smokey Mountains. They even have a ramp festival at Cosby, Tennessee every spring. I've never been.
> > > Howard
> >
> > Here in my city we have a Lemon Festival, and in a city near us they have an Avocado Festival, and somewhere else near us, a Strawberry Festival. I've been to the Lemon one, and it's great fun. Lemon cotton candy, ice cream, cake, bread, pie, taffy, etc. It started mainly because there was some company here that grew and exported lemons or something, and so it's now a big deal. Lots o' fun, really.
> > But...*onion* festivals?
> > Or *garlic* festivals?
> > *shrug*
> >
> > -flyingca"what about pickles? beans? homemade bread? peas?"ts
> Heh. Doesn't California have a huge Garlic Festival every year? With garlic ice cream and all. Eastern Ontario also has one. I'm sure that there are Onion Festivals and PickleFests elsewhere, too.

Oh yeah. A world famous one, supposedly, in Gilroy, The Garlic Capital of the World.
I've never gone, and don't think I will. I'm not a big garlic fan.

-flyin"lemons!! or chocolate!! or something yummy!!"gcats

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