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Re: going, going,
Posted By: Luisa, on host
Date: Friday, March 26, 1999, at 10:52:23
In Reply To: Re: going, going, posted by Darien on Friday, March 26, 1999, at 10:25:28:

> Almost as much fun as "grid tag." Boy did we get it for that! :-}

Now that sounds fun. I"ll have to give it a try.

> I dunno... I don't think any of my favorite things to do begin with "go to tech rehearsals." Thirteen hours locked in the theatre running tech is a bit much.

It could just be that I'm feeling a bit nostalgic. It's been over a year since I did a show with much tech. The last play I did had 2 cues - I turned the house lights out at the top of the show and then back on at the end - it wasn't really complex. :)
Hope the show goes well - what are you doing with it?
(I tend to stage manage, with the occasional board op job thrown in)


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