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Re: going, going,
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Monday, March 29, 1999, at 17:22:18
In Reply To: Re: going, going, posted by Luisa on Monday, March 29, 1999, at 07:41:38:

What?! What happened here? We were talking about a scooter meet and wound up at the theatre! Quite a stretch.
Any way, I'm back from the meet. There were four scooters in the class with my Highlander and all of the others looked better. I lost. But I still had fun! It rained one afternoon but otherwise the weather was beautiful and Georgia was in full bloom. I rode my '47 Cushman in the parade with 132 other scooters and buzzed around the meet site on the little Honda. I sold a couple of vintage bicycles and talked with some scooter pals. I ate fast food, Georgia style. But I did't buy another scooter this time.
"The GRID!!!" Just the thought of it makes me shudder. I hate high places. What if that old wood is rotten?
Question -- I spell theatre with an re if it's live and with an er if it's film. Is that kosher?

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