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Favortie Superhero
Posted By: Spider-Boy, on host
Date: Tuesday, October 19, 1999, at 20:28:35

Here is an irrevelent topic, but I'm wondering what superhero is everyones favorite. Mine of course is Spider-Man. His comic has a balance of humor, angst, supervillians, relation ship problems, and a underling moral message that I stongly belive in and try to live by.
With great power comes great responsibility.
Spider-Man's origin is as tragic as batman's, maybe even more so.
Bruce Wayne was a child when his parents died, he had no traing, costumes, batarangs, or any of his other toys.
Peter Parker, after he was bitten by a radioactive spider and got his powers, had a short lived TV show. One night a burgler ran past him in the hallway and escaped in to an elevator. the cop who just missed him chasticed Spidey for letting him go, all he had to do was trip him. He said, "I'm a star, not a cop. That's your responsibility" That same burgler later killed Peter's uncle, the man who was a father to him after his parents died. Thats when he remebered that his uncle once told him that with great power comes great responibility.
Batman was powerless to stop what happend to his parents, but Spider-Man could have saved his uncle, even with out using his powers and he didn't. That tragidy seems more powerful that Batman's.

So, who is your favorit superhero?

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