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A $100 Question Worth $125,000
Posted By: Den-Kara, on host
Date: Thursday, March 8, 2001, at 21:40:45

This post probably has no reason to be posted here, but oh well...

I was watching Who Wants to be a Millionaire? this evening, and I cracked up laughing when some guy didn't know the answer to a $125,000 question. The question was, "In the 1966 book 'Flowers for Algernon,' what is Algernon?" The choices were a.) scientist, b.)janitor, c.)mouse, or d.)computer. Of course, it was a mouse. I have read that book many, many times (it's one of my favorites), and plus it's been made into a movie twice. Even the guy's lifeline didn't know! She thought it was either the mouse or the janitor. Hmm, anyway...I guess that question's difficulty level would vary depending upon what you know. To anyone who hasn't read that book, I highly recommend it. It's one of the few books that has ever made me cry.

~Den-"playing Rock and Roll Jeopardy online as usual"Kara

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