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All Movie Talk

Welcome to All Movie Talk! In this audio podcast, Samuel Stoddard and Stephen Keller talk about old and new movies, famous directors, historical film movements, movie trivia, and more.

All Movie Talk

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Blooper: Show Up

Maybe this isn't funny. I can't tell. It struck me funny, but maybe it's just me.

See, it gets hard to do the introductions and closings of the parts of the show we repeat every week. Here, I was closing the trivia question segment for Episode 27 and telling people we'd get to the answer at the end of the show. Like I do every week. When you record the same thing so many times, it's natural to want to figure out how to word it a little differently now and then, just to be different. The problem is, there are only so many sensible ways to say the same thing. Vary too much, and you stop making sense.

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