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AHEM... don't read if you are not an MR addict...
Posted By: squidgunner, on host
Date: Monday, April 22, 2002, at 10:42:15

Well, I've thought up a new challenge for MR.

but first a recap of what's been done (do correct me if I'm wrong)

Win the game (done by Sam first, the scoundrel)
Win with one character (first done by Darien, done by lots since)
Win with the lowest level character (currently Garcia)
Win in the fewest number of turns (suggested by Palaste I think...)
Win with all the Items of Extra-Specialness (in progress by Commie_Bat)
Win without Spells (accomplished by... uh, me)

There may be a few others, but here is my *Ultimate Insane Unbelievably Long Game of MR Challenge*....

Win without any characters dying. EVER.

Any thoughts? (or has somebody done this that I wasn't aware of?)

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