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It's a Big Universe and We're Not.
Posted By: Mia, on host
Date: Friday, March 22, 2002, at 23:33:44

This semester, I took an astronomy class, which I absolutely love. However, I can't comprehend most of it because I can't get over how big the universe is. Not that this is anything new, or anything. But this fascinates, and more than a little scares me.

It's amazing that we think and feel and are what we are when we are so insignificant. The universe is so much more vast than any of us can even comprehend. I am POSITIVE that we are not the only world out there that has life on it, but I won't go into that.

We've been learning about the other planets in our solar system, and they, too, fascinate me. Nobody has ever set foot on any of them, and because of that, we know so little about them. I wish I had been so interested in this when Dave posted his Mars thread a while back (and if you want to read it, you'll have to find it; I'm too lazy to go find it).

Also, I find it fascinating the things that we DON'T know: why magnetic fields work, for instance. We know HOW they work, but we have no idea WHY they work. Oh, we can speculate all we'd like, but in the end, we still have no idea why the universe works the way it does. We just know that it does work.

This boggles my mind so much, and I can't comprehend it. Yet, surprisingly, I pass my tests with flying colors. But it is still so hard for me to grasp. The universe is huge.

But if I think about it too much at once, I get a headache, so I'll stop.

But before I do, I'd like to say this: In 2017, there will be a total solar eclipse in the Idaho/Oregon area. I plan to be there.

Mi"would love to see the Northern Lights some day, too"a

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