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Re: It's a Big Universe and We're Not.
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Saturday, March 23, 2002, at 20:36:09
In Reply To: Re: It's a Big Universe and We're Not. posted by Sosiqui on Saturday, March 23, 2002, at 20:14:38:

> Actually, what this makes me wonder is: What makes one lose the "wow" factor with something? It's something I find interesting, and something that I haven't figured out. One of the weird things with me is that I NEVER lose the "wow factor" with ANYTHING.

That's not really weird about you. I'm wondering why MM can lose the wow factor too, although I suppose there's no way to know without living where you can see them regularly.

But to correlate it to something I *do* live with regularly, last week it snowed hard -- it was the wet, heavy stuff that is the hardest to shovel, and I knew as it was falling that I had some back-breaking work ahead of me. Shovelling is one of my most despised chores. I grew up with snow, and I grew up with shovelling.

And yet I stood outside and gawked around, spellbound.

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