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Re: Book/movie RPG versions
Posted By: Marvin, on host
Date: Sunday, June 17, 2001, at 10:01:52
In Reply To: Book/movie RPG versions posted by OneCoolCat on Saturday, June 16, 2001, at 23:29:49:

> I was thinking, which I do, contrary to popular opinion, and I thought something. I think that it would be great if somebody made a book or movie version of an RPG. Admittendly, there have been book and movie versions of other games, but no RPGs, and they've often been with same characters but diffent plots, plus they've been of games that don't have great plots. If a book or movie of an RPG was made, though, then they would have tons of plot to work with. There would be problems, of course, such as getting the weird hair to look realisitc in the movie and dealing with the different plot choices, etc. but that would be workable. I for one would love to see a Suikdoken or FF book on a bookshelf sometime, it'd be awesome and a long read too. What does everybody else think?

Yes, I would agree. RPGs have great storylines and they would translate well into a movie. The only thing is that most RPGs take about 30-40 hours to play through: now try translating the story of that same RPG into a 2 hour movie. Sure, it'd be cool to see FFVII or Chrono Trigger in the movie theater, but to translate to film, they would have to either cut out some of the plot, make the movie into multiple movies, or make one really long movie. I'm not saying it's not going to happen, but there would have to be a lot of sacrifices made. Me, personally, I'd like to see a movie like Metal Gear Solid into a movie. Just imagine the possibilites.

Mar "Can't wait for Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within to come out July 11th" vin

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