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Goodbye Rinkworks.... Hello Florida!
Posted By: Kiki, on host
Date: Friday, April 6, 2001, at 19:42:44

Yes yes! I am leaving tomorrow for Florida! My yotuh group does a Senior Florida trip every year, where they take all the seniors to Florida for a week. Gee, that was hard to figure out...

Anyway, the trip is this week. There are 43 of us going, including staff, and I know most of the people at least some, and I'm excited about getting to know the rest! We fly down to Orlando tomorrow afternoon, and then we spend Sunday at an amusement park of our choice (I still don't know which I'm going to!), and then on Monday we drive to St. Augustine to spend a glorious week on the beach.

so anyway, that's where i'll be for the next week - we get back late next Saturday, so I'll check in Sunday if I get a chance! Love y'all!


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