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Re: Previous Class's Legacy
Posted By: Sosiqui, on host
Date: Sunday, April 8, 2001, at 16:37:17
In Reply To: Re: Previous Class's Legacy posted by Mike, the penny-stamp man on Sunday, April 8, 2001, at 13:03:28:

Senior pranks... heh. I hardly remember the official senior pranks of other classes. I believe one year the seniors parked all their cars in the quad instead of in the parking lot. And our senior prank was suxor - I don't know WHO thought of it, but it certainly wasn't me. They (whoever THEY were) decided to flour the halls.

Now, that campus, as is normal with most schools in the area, has outdoor 'halls' - to move from classroom to classroom involves going outside. Sort of like a strip mall. Anyway, they put flour around outside, hoping that it would rain and that the flour would turn into paste.

However, for some inexplicable reason, they floured only the hall areas under the OVERHANGS. Meaning that even if it HAD rained (which it didn't) the flour wouldn't have gotten wet ANYWAY. So it was basically a very ineffectual prank, and all that happened was that the outside was coated with about 0.00000001 of an inch of flour that got dispersed simply by the normal walking about of a regular school day. Yay.


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