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Re: Random People Moment
Posted By: Sundragyn, on host
Date: Friday, April 6, 2001, at 08:43:23
In Reply To: Random People Moment posted by Gahalia on Thursday, April 5, 2001, at 23:25:00:

> I was wondering if anyone else has had any of these really random people experiences. You've never met a person before and your conversation is short, but it's something you'll remember for a while.
> Ga"By the way, I think that ruled."halia

I have, but I was the one being random.

Last semester, I was sitting at a bus stop, with a bag of potato chips. This woman, a total stranger, comes and joins me. We sit in silence for a while, and then, I offer her a chip. Now, you have to understand, this is not something I normally would do, as I'm often quite shy around people I don't know very well. She smiles, shakes her head, and turns my offer down. I shrug and go back to my chips.

A minute or two later, she turns to me, and shows me the wonderful winter coat she got at Value Village for $7, nearly new. We have a very brief conversation about the wonderful bargains you can get there, and that was it. The end. The bus came, we both got on, sat apart, never spoke to each other again. But it kept me cheered up all the way home.

Sun"and all because of a potato chip"dragyn.

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