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Re: Myst & Riven
Posted By: Sosiqui, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 7, 2001, at 14:47:19
In Reply To: Myst & Riven posted by Grishny on Wednesday, March 7, 2001, at 13:38:11:

> I have a suggestion for you.
> Yes, go ahead and buy the games. I've never had a chance to play Riven, but I played and beat Myst and it ruled.
> Play Myst first. But then, before you play Riven, go find yourself a copy of the novel, "MYST: The Book of Atrus," and read it. THEN play Riven. THEN get yourself copies of "MYST: The Book of Ti'Ana" and "MYST: The Book of D'Ni."
> If you enjoyed the immersive world of Myst, you will love these books.

I've been looking for the books in all the local libraries, and I can't find them anywhere. :p But I want to read them really badly, because the depth of the worlds of Myst/Riven has always fascinated me. I love how just by walking around and looking at the surroundings, you can get such a great sense of place and culture. It's really incredibly done, and I don't think there's any other medium that works so well. That's why my dream is to go and work at a good solid adventure game-ish company and do stuff there - it's not just writing a story, it's building an entire world. That RULES so much.

Fun factoid: At work this summer, my office was right over the studios where Presto Studios (with a bunch of Cyan folk there, especially since Rand Miller plays Atrus) was filming the live-action stuff for Myst 3. Man, was I frustrated when I found out! :p

'Nother fun factoid: Did you know that the Miller brothers are Christians? ;)

Sosi"you'd think from all this that I'm a Myst fanatic, but I'm really not... I'm a Journeyman Project fanatic!"qui

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