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Re: Myst & Riven
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Sunday, May 6, 2001, at 03:06:52
In Reply To: Re: Myst & Riven posted by Eric Edgington on Saturday, May 5, 2001, at 23:14:27:

> Holy crap. I've searched the entire planet for information on Rime. I've been through it a dozen times. If this is just a dead in, I'm going to get a lawyer and sew for lost wages. I'll never spend another dime with these pinheads if this is just a pathetic attempt at new content.

Eric. ::Ahem:: You know, even if it does turn out that Rime IS indeed a dead end -- What of it? Has it occurred to you that many things could have happened which we know nothing about: perhaps in order to meet their contractual deadlines, Cyan may not have had either the time, nor the support, to complete a fully functional new Age for RealMyst. The original Myst is now nine years old, which is unbelievably ancient in computer gaming terms. That this game has been successfully resurrected in a 3D form with real-time rendering shows that, despite its flaws, the original story has enough staying power and quality to stand *on its own merit*. So whether Rime actually "goes anywhere" is, quite frankly in the end, irrelevant. I'd rather it did have some purpose but in the end it's just icing on the cake.

Rather than whining and mewling about this fact, I think you might be better served in remembering
that Cyan recreated Myst in this form for the pleasure of its old fans; and that not only did they do a truly wonderful job with being faithful to the original, they actually managed to IMPROVE a game which already has been the best-selling game of all time. It's always risky business messing with nostalgia, but RealMyst is real gold. I'd be inclined to take this understanding to heart and show a little more gratitude.

That being said, may I ask what have you found out in your searchings so far, regarding what happens in the Rime Age?

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