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What is WITH this trend?
Posted By: shadowfax, on host
Date: Friday, February 23, 2001, at 20:08:33
In Reply To: is it an ad? posted by Howard on Friday, February 23, 2001, at 11:38:22:

> I just picked up the new copy of my favorite travel magazine and near the front there was a double-page picture of several hundred young women, all dressed in white, with their arms outstretched. They even had the same hair do. Down in the corner was the word, "Janus." I just happened to remember that last month the same picture was in that magazine, only this time it was men. It seems like Janus is the name of some company, but I can't recall what goods or services they sell. I assume these are ads of some kind, but what are they trying to say? How much does it cost to line up hundreds of people, all dressed alike, just to shoot a picture? How much does it cost to publish the picture, two pages wide, in a widely circulated magazine? How much will it cost to do all of this twice? How is this going to improve their business? Will they do it again next month? If they are going to keep throwing money around like that, how do I get in on it?
> Just curious.
> Howard

It started with those Allegra ads. Some guy was windsurfing in a field of wheat. Nothing was said, but at the end the word "Allegra" appeared on the screen. Nothing else. That's it. End of story. Except that there wasn't really a beginning. Took me 8 months before I finally figured out what the stuff was.

Ever since then, TONS of products have been advertised with ads that make it impossible to tell what the product is. Who is hiring these people to write the ads? My life is way to busy for me to run around trying to figure out what the latest commercial was talking about, so they're losing a customer simply because I don't know they exist. I wouldn't think that would be too hard to figure out, but hey. . .

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