Issachar, on host
Friday, January 19, 2001, at 10:10:53
Don's Writings & My Thoughts on Writing in General posted by Den-Kara on Thursday, January 18, 2001, at 18:20:53:
> [snip] ...(the reason I'm usually anti-rhyme is because I think that when one attempts to make his/her poem rhyme, it forces your concentration away from your emotions and the meaning of the poem, and it makes you think only of meaningless words instead).
Hey, I resemble that remark!
Anyway, you've provided a perfect cue for me to post something I started working on yesterday. In the grand RinkWorks tradition of shrinking anything and everything, I give you Poetry-A-Minute: convenient capsule-sized condensations of the creativity contained in that corner of RW known as the Poetry Pool!
Note that these are condensations of each author's entire corpus. (Dang, I just blurted out how I disposed of the corpuses!) Please, don't anyone take offense. Read them in the same spirit in which they were penned: frivolity. :-)
Iss "shrunken head" achar
David DeBoe
Cool! This word can have three different meanings that only I understand! Carrie Fowler
You've ruined my life, and you don't even *care*. Donna Fox
Color, texture, longing. Mike Herring
Meta-haikus rule. Eric Sleator McGill
If love were toxic radiation poisoning, then baby, we would both be dead. Amy Richter
If you're honest enough, you can make the words "big, fat guy" sound downright poetic. Samuel Stoddard
And the hero exclaimed, as he rode out of sight, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good knight! Brandon Sumner
Dreams, woven in colored thread and solitude. Lynette Yorgey
Even the shadow side of youth is beautiful.