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Re: Happy/Thankful List Thing...Response
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Wednesday, November 22, 2000, at 06:00:24
In Reply To: Happy/Thankful List Thing...I dunno posted by Den-Kara on Tuesday, November 21, 2000, at 22:52:26:

> Sunlight glinting off of melting icicles.

What's even better is when you have a freezing rain during the night, but then by morning it's sunny again. Try driving through a forest sometime after this has's like being in a great glass cathedral.

> Getting beaned in the head with a snowball and laughing about it.

As opposed to getting beaned on the back with a slushball and having it soak right through your two pairs of corduroys! Bill Cosby's "Junior Barnes" routine never failed to crack me up.

> The sound of a "clicker" pen.

When I was in sixth grade, my teacher's pet peeve was the sound that those clicker pens make. She outlawed them in our class. That was the first time I had ever heard the expression "pet peeve."

> The sound of a contented sigh.

As opposed to Al Gore's disgusted sigh? No argument here.

> Pencils that don't break halfway through your PSAT test.

Go mechanical. You'll thank yourself someday. Or are those not allowed for PSATs?

> Stretching, yawning, and (safely) popping your back simultaneously like I just now did.

My wife does this. Makes me shudder half the time. You should leave such things to your chiropractor IMHO.

> Wearing socks that don't match.

Your favorite show in the Eighties must have been Punky Brewster. Or are you too young to remember that?

> Chocolate cream pie. the face!

> The moment you realize that things aren't nearly as bad as you thought they were.

Like the time I got a perfect score on my Macroeconomics paper and the teacher asked for an extra copy for his future reference, when I figured it probably wouldn't do better than a low "B."

> "Dial phones."

That's rather you mean touch-tone or rotary?

> Cheese.

And the Power of it.

> Waving like an idiot and actually finding someone dumb enough to wave back.

You and my sister...what's wrong with you people? :oP

> People who have eyes that sparkle...I dunno if mine do or not...

Ayako's do. At least when the lighting is right. Jonathan's eyes sparkle, definitely.

> Seeing your breath on cold days.

When I was little I used to pretend I was smoking. Until my parents caught me and I got in trouble.


Are you one of those people who intentionally set your alarm for earlier than you have to get up so you can hit the Snooze button 15 times? I used to do that, but later found that the quality of sleep is better if I just sleep right up until I have to get out of bed. Not that it makes it any easier to get up in the morning.

> ~Den-"needs to read 20,000 Things to Be Happy About (again)"Kara

Gri"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."shny

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