By David J. Parker
Citizen Kane. Casablanca. Gone With the Wind.
What do these movies have in common? They're all movies you won't find on
this page. Every single movie on this page is, in some fashion, a complete
stinker. And yet, these movies are not all the same. Some of them have a
certain appeal to the type of people (and I count myself among them) who
simply like bad movies. Sometimes I like a bad movie because it's fun
to laugh at, sometimes I just like to watch something brainless, and sometimes
I just like to see people make fools of themselves. If you're such a person,
you've come to the right place. This film review site is dedicated to
reviewing bad movies for bad movie lovers. The rating
scale goes from one turkey to five turkeys. All of them equate to the
lowest rating on "normal" rating scales, but the higher the turkey rating,
the more I enjoyed and laughed at the movie.
For more information, see my unabridged

Reader Reviews
Bad Movie Reviews
Latest additions: 4/15/03
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All film reviews on this page are Copyright © 1999-2005 by the original author of the review. The ratings and all other text on this site are Copyright © 1999-2002 by David J. Parker. The rating symbols are images which have been released into the public domain. No part of this page, except for the rating symbols, may be copied without prior written consent.