POA Stupid Conduits S.O.S
Cyndi, on host
Monday, April 10, 2006, at 12:38:32
I have been working on this the past 4 days I have read EVERY SINGLE post on Conduits and boosters, I have drawn doughnuts, grids, bagels and what have you and I am NO closer to solving this puzzle!!! I am desperate here and I think that unless I decide to go get a degree at MIT I will never solve this puzzle on my own!! Someone please HELP!!
Here is what I have so far: 01 W (north/inner) 01 E (south/inner) 06 W (south/outer) north broken 06 E (north/outer) 11 W (north/inner) 11 E (south/inner) 16 W (north/outer) 16 E (south/outer) 21 W (south inner) outer broken 21 E (north/inner) outer broken 26 W (south/outer) 26 E (north outer)
Will someone please just email me at Cyndi_mf@hotmail.com and tell me what to fix or give me some advice that I don't need an advanced degree in physics to grasp. In other words please just dumb it down for me!!!
Any help is appreciated!!!
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