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Star Trek, Me, MY Sci-Fi Show, Control Panels, etc.
Posted By: Morris Cecil Glalet, on host
Date: Saturday, October 23, 1999, at 10:46:43

I've always been kind of a Trekkie. Yes I said TREKKIE, not Trekker, despite the switch from a few years ago. I fell that a Trekker is someone who is cast or crew on a Star Trek show or movie, and that a Trekkie is a fan of Star Trek. Anyway, I was looking at the Star Trek website yesterday (where I ended up getting my own free E-mail address! Yay!), and I noticed the design of it. It looked like the control panels on The Next Generation. I thought that was pretty moby. Well, it got me thinking: What would the control panels look like on MY show? See, I've benn slowly planning a science fiction space show since I was eleven. So, eventually, I came up with an idea:
It would be like a regular-looking keyboard on a computer. It would have a row on the left going down, which would have a bunch of symbols on it, like a regular "G", a Cyrillic "D" (which I always thought looks like a sailboat), a Greek omega (or maybe that symbol that looks like an E, except that the middle bar is gone and replaced with an > thing), a Hebrew letter, an Arabic letter, a Japanese character (probably the one that means "Japanese"), a Chinese character, and basically a character from every Earth alphabet system, and several alien ones, too. The key corresponding to the alphabet system you're using will be lit up green. Since there are so many variations on the Roman alphabet, when you press the "G" on the side, on the control screen in front of you, just past the keyboard, will be a menu to scroll down on and choose from. It will say things like "English" and "Español" and "Français" and "Deutsch" and so on, with all the different languages which use the Roman alphabet system. When you choose one, the keyboard conforms to that particular one. The English will still probably be the Qwerty one, since that one has been in use for like a hundred years or so. So, let's say that the keyboard is Russian, and the screen says "HET". Well, if you only speak German, you press the "G" on the left, and that key will glow green, and the keys on the keyboard will go blank, except for arrow keys and a "Select" key, which will have some other symbol. When you pressed that "G", the screen will give you a whole list of options to choose from, such as English, Español, Français, and Deutsch, just to name a few. You scroll down with the arrow keys until you get to Deutsch. You press the "Select" key, which will select Deutsch. The keyboard will suddenly be in German, and the screen, which had said "HET" (pronounced "nyet"), will now say "Nein" (pronounced "nine"). Well, if you want it to go back to Russian, you press the Cyrillic "D", and that key will glow green, and the keyboard will be in Russian, and the screen will again say "HET".
Yesterday, I was also looking at my blueprints of the Enterprise-D (of COURSE I have blueprints), and I realized that it could help me, as far as knowing what needs to go into a spaceship. I've already come up with an elevator system, which I can't show to you in text, because it's a visual design in my head. I'm a very visual person. I'd sure hate to go blind.
I'm ALSO developing a language and culture for one set of space aliens in the show (which I STILL haven't named). Their country on their planet will be Amarutuf, and their language will be Esmic. I've been working on the language, and it is taking forever, and it is VERY difficult, but detailed.

-Morris Cecil "Pretend the capital English words are lowercase, but italicized" Glalet, Th.D.
Sat 23 Oct A.D. 1999


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