Re: trail of anguish-class options
cara aka fermi, on host
Tuesday, June 15, 2004, at 05:58:23
Re: trail of anguish-class options posted by lindalloo on Sunday, June 13, 2004, at 11:01:39:
> > > > > > > > > In Trail Of Anguish--- > > > > > > > > > > I see some posts about a jock interview and was wondering if that was dependant on taking other classes. The jocks don't pay any attention to me. > > > > > > > > > > I have Chem with Luna, Hist with Hawson, Lit with Major, Math with Stefansen. > > > > > > > > > > I've completed tasks for Luna, Hawson and Major. > > > > > I've broken Stafansens key. I can't get past Saturday mid day, so I can't get into the key shop yet. I can't find anything for Stefansen to drink. > > > > > > > > we need an inventory list to know how to help you. have you been for a ride in your car ? got your dinner invitation ? are the nerds working for you, yet ? > > > > just do the assignments you get. > > > > > > I don't want lots of help at this point, that is why I did not include my inventory. I consulted old posts and was able to get my bacon sandwich. Then felt guilty. > > > > > > Now I'll just putz around campus awhile and see what I find. I need to practice patience and perserverence. And spelling. > > > > > > I just was not sure if my choice of curriculum affected some of my available actions. I DO have the dinner invitation, and the dress and the shoes, and the date. I hope Chris knows I'm not easy. > > > > I putzed and putzed, decided to take the nerds for a ride, but somebody else was already in the car. I decided to take them to the Janitorial Services to look at the doodads there, but they wouldn't go in, so I ditched them somewhere else. Then I tried to get Stefansen a drink at Vominus but I couldn't take the glass of water. Finally got to the evening and picked up Chris for the banquet. You wouldn't believe the stuff he had in his pocket. Maybe I can get some water here. NEERK NEERK! > > I think Eldridge assigned the jock interview, so you won't be needing that. > I played this game a long time ago, & don't remember getting the math teacher a drink as being one of the problems ?? > but, it sounds like your "muddling" thru, just fine. > :o) hang in there !!
Bingo! Bango! Bongo! I have vanquished yet another evil villian, this time with a lot less help. Only two bits. Oh, and getting the math teacher a drink? When Kendra examines the area, she notices the bags under his eyes and wonders if dehydration is causeing his problems. When water was on the Vominus menu, I thought for sure......then she drank it herself. Then when she bought the soda from the vending machine, I figured that must be it........but she drank that too.