Re: Stupidity in MR
Beasty, on host
Saturday, March 22, 2003, at 05:49:16
Stupidity in MR posted by Kess on Monday, March 3, 2003, at 12:23:15:
A general hint you all might have figured out or not...
If you have 6 character parties like most do, then you can have up to two rescue parties available. Just don't ignore them. While your main party adventures and levels on a regular basis, just spend half an hour every now and then with your rescue parties. Give them all your excess equipment to help them out. My main party are all level 100 and above, have about 7m in gold each and their chances of dying now are slim, but even my two rescue parties are level 15, carrying about 750k in gold and ready to fight hard.
It's the old boy scout motto. Be prepared. A strong rescue party will save you a good deal of gameplay to get going again.
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