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Re: Supertasters
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2002, at 05:24:35
In Reply To: Supertasters posted by Sam on Monday, April 8, 2002, at 19:14:25:

This raises the question: should those of us
who are parents be forcing our kids to eat
foods they do not like? We could, without
realizing it, have spawned one of these
"supertasters," and in some cases, wouldn't
forcing them to "clean their plates" be akin to

From experience, I must say that as a kid,
there were certain foods that I simply _could
not eat_ without having a gag reflex. I'll use
peas as an example, because I still have a
problem with peas. I can eat small amounts of
them in casseroles, soups, and other dishes
where their taste and texture is masked or
hidden, but make me chew up and swallow a
spoonful of them and I'll come close to
vomiting. Ugh. I hate peas.

How does this study account for changing
tastes? Another food I despised as a child,
sauerkraut, I have actually come to enjoy as
an adult. Admittedly not by the forkful, but I like
and will actually purchase in a restaurant such
traditional saurkraut dishes as reuben
sandwiches or sausage & kraut.

Another question raised by your post is, why
do we always end up talking about food here?

Gri"and why isn't there a comic book about
Supertaster yet?"shny

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