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Posted By: Arley, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 20, 2002, at 17:20:29

I guess you'd have to call me a lurker as I have been reading the Forum and Chat archives for some time now, and I've finally got the courage to post! I recently went back to work after 14 years of staying home with my 3 kids, and I feel so much braver than I have in the past... I figure if you can run a household with 5 people and 2 cats in it you shouldn't be afraid of the nice people at Rinkworks!!!
I tried getting into Rinkchat a while ago (I logged in as 'Lovelyleeny' and enjoyed the reaction I got!!! It was there that I learned about Leen and how I felt I was overstepping my bounds as a newbie!!! Hence, the change in name!!!) My web-tv based internet service does not allow me to participate in Rinkworks chat, but I figure I can keep up on whats going on here!!! I'm also not very technical-minded, but I manage O.K.!!!
I saw a red saw!!! But seeing the answers you guys gave and the fun (and serious) conversations you had, inspired me to let you know I'm here!!! I work shifts so I'm not sure of any regular time I'll be around, but I ALWAYS check new messages first and often when I log on!!! This is ALWAYS my first stop after I check my mail!!!

Ar(Love those exclamation marks!!!)ley

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