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Re: LOTR discussion cum *spoilers*
Posted By: Don the Monkeyman, on host
Date: Thursday, December 20, 2001, at 23:35:23
In Reply To: LOTR discussion cum *spoilers* posted by Issachar on Thursday, December 20, 2001, at 07:19:53:

Some feedback. I could have a lot more, but I don't feel like digging up other stuff to reply to, and I liked Iss's post. :-)

> * Battle scenes: I understand that the MTV approach to filming such scenes is popular and is intended to convey the chaotic nature of hand-to-hand combat. But I've had enough of it. I would have much preferred a view from the ceiling for at least several seconds of each fight, with several different skirmishes clearly visible onscreen instead of an indistinct flurry of limbs and blades. The MTV approach doesn't convey to me the danger of facing an armed opponent; showing both combatants in full does.

Some nice overhead shots would have been good, but I did like the battle scene at the end with the Uruk-Hai.

> * "Lean forward!" Riiiiight -- you're going to affect the direction a 50-ton chunk of stone falls by leaning one way or the other, huh?

Well, if it was as precariously balanced as it seemed to be, there is a slim chance that it would matter. How that chunk of rock would BECOME so precariously balanced, especially considering how it had previously been seated, was a whole different problem.

> * The Horn of Gondor, which sounds like the horn on an old-fashioned buggy. I wanted the thing to split my ears, dangit.

When talking about this complaint of yours, I was making jokes at how bad a mental sound you conjured--jokes because I thought that there was no way that it could actually be that bad. Sadly, I wasn't too far off.

> Iss "next post: GOOD things about the film!" achar

Don "I originally picked this post to reply to because I thought it had the thing about the ice ledge in it. Having reached the end, I see that it doesn't, so I'll just comment here: I was watching for it, thanks to your mention of it, and in two shots, the path continuing around the corner is clearly visible. But you're right--many of the shots make it appear that there is no continuation to the path." Monkey

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