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Re: N. H. - Day 6: Hampton Beach Fireworks
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Friday, August 31, 2001, at 12:52:00
In Reply To: Re: N. H. - Day 6: Hampton Beach Fireworks posted by Mousie on Friday, August 31, 2001, at 10:51:13:

> Again, this makes no sense to me, since
your body temperature rises when you sleep.
It would seem, therefore, that the reason it
SEEMS colder when you wake up is because
your body temperature is higher than when
you went to sleep. Call me nutty. Does
anyone know the real answer?

I don't know the real answer, but I'm guessing
it has to do with relative temperatures. It
makes sense to me that if your room stays the
same temp all night, while your body temp
rises, then in the morning it's going to *feel*
colder to you when you get out of bed, even
though it isn't.

I'll see if I can come up with an illlustration of
my logic: suppose you work at Kentucky Fried
Chicken and you have to make ten gallons of
cole slaw. You're allowed to use a spoon to
mix it, but it's a lot faster and easier to do it
with your hands. The cabbage shavings and
the mayonaise have just come out of the
cooler, so they're at a relatively low
temperature. Naturally, you comply with
company policy (not to mention state health
laws) and wash your hands before beginning.

If you use hot water ( like you should) to wash,
then it's going to raise the temp of your hands.
When you stick your freshly washed, warmed
hands into that crap, it's going to be COLD! It'll
feel positively freezing! Maybe even cold
enough to make you want to yank your hands
right back out and go get the spoons after all.

However, if you wash your hands in icy cold
water instead, effectively turning them into
popsicles, then sticking your hands into the
refridgerated cole slaw mix won't be nearly as
bad. If the water you used was cold enough,
the cole slaw may even feel relatively *warm*
to your poor frostbitten hands.

That was a pretty stupid illustration, but it
explains why Monkeyman with his low body
temperature, should be able to withstand
colder water temperatures than his fellows.

His problem must be psychological.

Gri"Maybe Monkeyman is really Iceman"shny

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