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Re: Earthsea Sequel?
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Wednesday, August 8, 2001, at 12:51:58
In Reply To: Re: Earthsea Sequel? posted by dingdong on Wednesday, August 8, 2001, at 10:37:26:

> Re-reading is great. I always know the full
worth of a book if I can read it again and get
more out of it. I've re-read LOTR about 30

30 TIMES? HOW? I mean, how on earth have
you found the time to read through LOTR 30
times? I thought my three-and-one-half times
was impressive (three and one-half because
the very first time I tried to read it, I wasn't really
ready for it yet and got stuck halfway through
The Two Towers. By the time I picked it up
again, I felt like I needed to start over to get the
full effect).

Each time I re-read it now, I also include the
Silmarillion and the Hobbit before The
Fellowship. I've read it through twice that way.

> ding"remembers reading Heretics of Dune
about 10 years ago, but none of it is familiar at

I started re-reading the Dune series last year.
The two new Dune prequels came out while I
was reading it so I included them too. I made
it through God Emperor and stopped. I
remember not really liking Heretics and
Chapterhouse anyway, so I'm not too
disappointed with myself.

Gri"finally started Kim Stanley Robinson's
much-hyped (here) Mars trilogy this
week. It seems very heavy on the technical

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