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Re: Screen Name Groupings
Posted By: Jessica, on host
Date: Thursday, June 21, 2001, at 23:41:02
In Reply To: Re: Screen Name Groupings posted by Arthur on Thursday, June 21, 2001, at 16:35:04:

Aw, being a member of an exclusive club is fun. I say go for it. If those fake-name people can't handle it, then they are weak little fakers. :)

Actually, Darien isn't Darien's real name. But as I've read, "Darien" fits him so well that everyone calls him Darien, even in real life.

I have a friend named Chico. His real name is Michael, but it just doesn't fit him. Everyone calls him Chico, even his family. And he isn't even Hispanic--he's half Chinese and half black. His personality is just very Chico-esque.

--Jez"uses Jezzika for all her screen names, and is vexed when it's already taken"zika

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