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Re: Screen Name Groupings
Posted By: Arthur, on host
Date: Thursday, June 21, 2001, at 16:35:04
In Reply To: Re: Screen Name Groupings posted by Grishny on Thursday, June 21, 2001, at 06:36:00:


> Sam doesn't count. Yeah, he's cool and all,
> but he's using his real name; it's not
> Tolkien-based at all. He was named after his
> father, just like me.
> Gri"unless...Sam, were your grandparents
> avid Tolkien buffs or anything?"shny

Hey, this is *my* real name, but I can still join the HHGttG Nickname Club, can't I?

I have an idea; how about we create a Real Names Club, for all the Rinkworkers who use their real names (first, middle, or last) in forum or chat? That'd be a fairly large and diverse group; there's... let me see (correct me if I'm wrong), me, Sam, Dave, Ticia, Stephen, Darien, Jezzika (respelling your name doesn't count; in fact, to be inclusive let's say if your real name is guessable from your nick it counts), julian, eric sleator, Tess... ack. I haven't been here long enough to name everybody, and I guessed on whether some of those were real.

We could even give ourselves a motto: "Free to Be Yourself!" "The Name is the Thing and the Whole of the Thing!" "Pierce the Veils of Deception!" And then we could make fun of everyone who hides behind fake screen names and start a *massive flame war*!! And then the controversy can *TEAR RINKWORKS APART*!!

*stops, considers*

On second thought, never mind. Cancel that idea.

Ar"besides, for all you know I'm lying about this being my name"thur

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