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Re: Name spellings
Posted By: koalamom, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 19, 2001, at 18:18:30
In Reply To: Re: Name spellings posted by Arthur on Tuesday, June 19, 2001, at 15:28:31:

> Yet everywhere I go, there's at least one person who thinks my name needs at least one more "u" in it or thinks that my parents named me after a future career. In my high school yearbook I swear the name "Aurthur" occurs more often than the actual "Arthur".
> We can't even use the "uneducated high school student" excuse; on the professionally-produced videotape of a musical program I was involved in last year, on the credits I saw my name listed "Aurthur Chu". They didn't have any problems spelling "Boyajian" or "Grasmeyer" or "Amperosa", they didn't mix up any of the Kristens, Kristins, Christines or Christianas, they didn't try to "correctly spell" Pieter Goedhart's name...

That wouldn't be Pieter Goedhart as in VCHS 110 hurdles Pieter Goedhart, would it?

And yet they can't spell "Arthur Chu". And this is a fairly big company in our area that does this for our school every year. The primary *purpose* of making this video is so we can see our names in the credits. And I'm not aware that I have *ever* suggested to anybody that my name has two "u"s in it. Yes, I know I have awful handwriting; Arther, Arthor, even Authur I can understand, but *how* do they get that extra "u" in there?
> What the heck gives?

> A"u"rthur

Considering all the creative spelling
marketing people have blessed us with
("Cheez" Whiz, Nick at "Nite"), it's no wonder people have trouble spelling Arthur.

And yet, my friend, you have it easy.
My name is Marianne.


Marry Anne
Mary Ann
Mary Anne
Mari Anne
Mari Ann
Mary An



..or any of the other variations I've encountered and have forgotten.

koala"not down by the seashore, sifting sand, either"mom

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