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Name spellings and name dropping
Posted By: koalamom, on host
Date: Friday, June 22, 2001, at 21:59:53
In Reply To: Re: Name spellings posted by Arthur on Friday, June 22, 2001, at 00:15:55:

> *suddenly realizes something*
> (snip)
> > That wouldn't be Pieter Goedhart as in VCHS 110 hurdles Pieter Goedhart, would it?
> >
> *jaw drops open*
> AWK! That is not *fair*! Everywhere I #$%&ing *GO*, my #$@& school's @#&%ing athletic reputation precedes me! Even on *Rinkworks*!

> *deep sigh*
> Yeah, that's him. Yeah, I know the guy. Yeah, I'm a Valley Christian Crusader, technically. (And *don't* get me started on using "Crusader" for a school mascot.) No, I'm not on any of the teams. No, I haven't won any trophies recently. (Except that thing Kaz! gave me for long posts.) No, I can't get any autographs.
> That about cover it? :)
> Ar"doesn't have a very good attitude about his school and his role in it"thur

Well, if you're going to name-drop, I guess you have to expect people to respond this way...;-)

Actually, I wasn't responding to your school's "sports reputation" per se, although for a small school you gotta admit Valley does awfully well.

No, I was responding to a familiar name...
*chortles evily*

...I'm not only a koalamom,

I'm a *crusadermom*

we're EVERYWHERE, Arthur! You always suspected it, and you were right. We're even here on Rinkworks.

My Crusader just happened to be on the track team with Pieter.

Yes, we Rinkydinks span the globe, but we're also in your own backyard. This is actually not a bad thing, I mean, hey, we could carpool to the Rinkunion together, right?

(..and by the way, someone better watch their #$@&! language or someone's parents might just get a phone call...MUHWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!..., oh the possibilities *abound* here for blackma..uh, I mean, helpful community service heh heh heh)

Anyway, however you feel about VCHS, you seem to have left behind a fine reputation of your own:

Me: Do you know someone named Arthur Chu at your school?
My Crusader: I don't *know* him, but I know who he is. He's really smart and really friendly.

...but I guess we already knew that from your posts here:-)

As far as having "Crusaders" (formerly considered bold Knights with a holy purpose, now just considered cultural imperialists) as a mascot, well, hey, I was a Tartar. That's Tartar as in "fierce Mongolian warrior" not tartar as in "dental hygiene problem". Our arch rival's favorite cheering taunt was "Let's make tartar sauce!"

koala"has probably sent Arthur away screaming and running from Rinkworks forever now"mom

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