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Re: Timothy McVeigh & The death penalty
Posted By: Dave, on host
Date: Monday, June 18, 2001, at 22:39:31
In Reply To: Re: Timothy McVeigh & The death penalty posted by Arthur on Saturday, June 16, 2001, at 23:22:07:

> And before you say anything, Dave, I'm a native-
>born US citizen and I don't even have any >*ancestors* from Europe. :)

Yeah, like I'm still reading this thread. We followers of the old ways don't worry ourselves about such things. When we die, if we were good warriors, Odin will call us to Valhalla. Otherwise, we'll just sort of hang out in the Underworld, which is sort of boring but not really torturous.

By the way, have you figued out that Nyperold is Jewish yet?

-- Dave

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