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Re: The Norse Afterlife
Posted By: wintermute, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 19, 2001, at 06:45:41
In Reply To: Re: Timothy McVeigh & The death penalty posted by Arthur on Monday, June 18, 2001, at 23:27:24:

> > Yeah, like I'm still reading this thread. We followers of the old ways don't worry ourselves about such things. When we die, if we were good warriors, Odin will call us to Valhalla. Otherwise, we'll just sort of hang out in the Underworld, which is sort of boring but not really torturous.

> Oh, and, BTW, Dave, you may have fun in Valhalla for a while but then you're gonna get jacked when the Giants invade Asgard and blast the whole setup to oblivion. I forget what happens to the Underworld ghosts, but I think Hel basically absorbs your energy and *uses* you to blast the whole setup to oblivion. Either way it's not much of a long-term future.

As I recall, If you go to the underworld, Hel uses your nail clipping to build a great longboat. When that's finished, it'll mark the beginning of Raganarok. Now, think about how many people have died (not on the field of combat) with untrimmed fingernails in the last 1000 years. That boat must be nearly done by now. Then we'll be in trouble.

I think the dwellers of the underworld become the shock troops during the assault on Midgard (Earth), while Giants and things attack Asgard. I don't know what the role of the people who make it to Valhalla will be in this scenario. I guess you get to defend Valhalla alongside the gods.

It's quite a depressing thought that only 2 humans will survive Ragonarok by hiding in the branches of Yggdrassil when Surt the fire giant destroys Midgard.

On the plus side, Baldur the Beautiful will be released from the underworld come Ragonarok. I forget why, though.

winter"Norse Mythology rules"mute

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