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Re: Abortion: Case study
Posted By: eric sleator, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 13, 2001, at 15:31:58
In Reply To: Re: Abortion: Case study posted by julian on Wednesday, June 13, 2001, at 07:23:07:

> That's why doctors cannot force you to do
> anything that you, your religion (however
> stupid it may be) or your mother say(s) you
> shouldn't.
> jul"I just think she was stupid"ian

You're being a bit judgmental, aren't you? First, I don't think you can call any religion stupid. Second, I don't see how you can call it stupid that she refused to do what she considered to be wrong. Besides, did you not hear about that couple a few years ago who had, I think, nontuplets? The doctors said that they should abort a couple to give the others a better chance of survival, but the couple chose not to, and all nine(?) babies are alive and well today. Clearly, it is not impossible for such a situation to occur, and I think it is repugnant of you for calling the woman stupid.

-eric sleator
Wed 13 Jun A.D. 2001

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