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Re: Timothy McVeigh & The death penalty
Posted By: Heather, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2001, at 19:28:15
In Reply To: Re: Timothy McVeigh & The death penalty posted by Ticia on Tuesday, June 12, 2001, at 07:37:05:

Well, since no one else seems to share my views, I am both pro-choice and pro-capital punishment. While I do not like to see prenatal children killed, I do not disapprove of abortions early in pregnancy. The brain of the embryo is not developed to a point that would make it capable of feeling pain or living a sentient life. While it may look vaugely human, so does a gorilla, this doesn't make it human. I like to think that humans are characterized and separated from apes because we are capable of civilization, technology, and the ability to think critically. Granted, it is possible that the embryo may become a being capable of these thibgs, but in many circumstances, I feel very strongly that the baby may be better off with God or where ever you happen to personally believe that under-developed embryos go to.

I am also for capital punishment because, strictly personally speaking, I think that anyone who is sick enough to kill another person, whether it be my son, father, or even myself, deserves what they have coming to them. If the person does happen to get to know The Lord and regrets their awful Sin, then why would it be so awful to finally be with their Maker in Heaven. My feelings are that I do not want someone who killed my daughter or husband or friend to be able to live off of MY tax money and get a fabulous education and get buff and read a whole library of books while I have to work night and day to pay *his* expenses. To me, this doesn't seem bad. I would rather have the money that is spent on maintaining jails go to education and other programs taht will prevent people from accidentally going down the wrong path.

- Hea "Baby-killer" ther

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