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Re: Timothy McVeigh & The death penalty
Posted By: Don the Monkeyman, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 13, 2001, at 22:04:54
In Reply To: Re: Timothy McVeigh & The death penalty posted by Arthur on Wednesday, June 13, 2001, at 20:38:04:

> Also check out certain "problem passages" of the Bible for pro-life activists, such as Exodus 21:22-25, or Numbers 5:11-31.

I only have one translation available to me at the moment (my King James--my NIV is in the car and I have no idea where my NRSV is) but in that translation, I don't see how either of the passages you have mentioned are problem passages for pro-life activisits. The first passage appears to me to be an argument for the pro-life stance and the second appears to relate to adultery but not pregnancy. Perhaps it is just the translation I have, but in any case, would you (or someone like Nyperold who may be familiar with the Hebrew in these verses and the original meaning of the words used) be willing to expound on the meaning of these passages and how they might serve as problem passages to the pro-life movement? Thanks.

> Ar"trying his best to avoid contradictions in his beliefs"thur

Don "trying his best to understand all Scriptural references made by anyone at any time :-)" Monkey

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