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Re: Rule Britannia: here's my little flame-bait opinion
Posted By: wintermute, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 30, 2001, at 07:14:52
In Reply To: Re: Rule Britannia: here's my little flame-bait opinion posted by Faux Pas on Wednesday, May 30, 2001, at 06:31:17:

> > In New Zealand we get a long weekend this coming weekend. Monday is the "official" Queen's Birthday holiday.
> New Zealand is its own country, yet NZ celebrates the birthday of another country's leader?
> -Faux "Do you get President's Day off too?" Pas

Heh. NZ, being an ex-british colony that didn't rebel and massacre our troops was allowed to keep all sorts of British holidays, and to keep the Queen as their head of state, so she's also (nominally) their leader.

Ditto Canada, Australia, France (umm, no), and some other places.

winter"The sun never sets"mute

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