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Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Friday, May 4, 2001, at 09:28:43

I don't usually post about my dreams here, mainly because I don't remember most of them well enough to write them down. But the nightmare I had last night was vivid enough to remember, probably because I dreamt it just before waking up this morning.

The dream started with me in my mom and dad's 1983 Pontiac Bonaville. For those of you who don't know, this is a boat of a car. It was parked on the street in front of their house, only it wasn't their street. I was at the wheel. The car started coasting backwards, and I tried to stop it. The brakes didn't work.

So then I hit the gas to keep the car from coasting backwards and crashing into something. I don't think the car was on when the dream began, but now it was. Only I hit the gas too hard, because the car leapt forward really fast. And of course the brakes didn't work.

I have no idea why, but in my dream I thought that if I hit the brakes and the gas at the same time, that might stop the car. So I did that, but it only made the car go faster. Pushing on the brake pedal did absolutely nothing; it was like the brakes weren't there. So now the car is screaming down the road at highway speeds, and I can't stop.

Somehow, I got off the street where I was originally parked and onto a main road. It doesn't make any sense because I never turned; I was going way to fast to even think about turning. But it made perfect sense in my dream.

Now, I had stopped hitting the gas by now, and didn't hit it again, but the car kept hurtling down this road at the same speed. The road was frictionless. I remember going through a stoplight and being scared out of my mind because it was red and I just knew another car was going to come and I COULDN'T STOP!

At one point, I started coming up on another car in front of me that was moving slower, and it was only a one-lane road so I couldn't pass it. I had to drive through the grass on the side of the road to get around it without hitting it. This basically saved my life, because the grass slowed me down. So I started driving through grass whenever I could, and got slowed down to a crawl, but of course I still couldn't stop completely because the brakes didn't work.

Finally, I coasted into a small town, and saw an area where I could drive through a lot of grass and maybe finally stop the car. So I did it. I drove around this three or four-story building in the process. When I got around behind the building, I saw several things that seemed rather strange to me.

First, on my right, there was an in-ground pool, and a bunch of people swimming in it. It didn't make any sense for a pool to be there. On my left, there was a group of hundreds of people all lined up like soldiers, all wearing identical navy-blue uniforms. They weren't moving or doing anything, just standing there, perfectly still.

Finally, I coasted to a stop after I had circled back around to the front of the building. There was a big sign on the front of the building that said "Lineberger's Grand Opening," and a bunch of people dressed in business attire were having a party. They came up to greet me and asked if I needed any help. I explained what had happned to me, and asked where I was. "Greenville" was the reply.

Greenville, OH is about 30 miles northwest from where I live. And I've been to Greenville recently, and it didn't look anything like Greenville in my dream. Weird.

I asked to use a phone so I could call my dad and have him arrange for a tow truck for the car and to pick me up. But before I called him I took a look around. I noticed an old factory building next to the Lineberger building that said "Hobart" on it in. The sign looked like one of those backlit signs, but old and broken down with some of the glass broken out.

The Hobart company is located in Troy, OH, and as far as I know they've never run a factory in Greenville.

I woke up just after seeing the dilapidated Hobart factory. I had a headache and my teeth felt funny, like I'd been clenching them in my sleep. I probably was clenching them, during the part in my dream where I was screaming down the road at breakneck speed unable to stop. That's probably what gave me the headache too.

Gri"congratulations on reading this far!"shny

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