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Re: What Was In Our Outdoor Grill
Posted By: dingdong, on host
Date: Saturday, April 14, 2001, at 02:04:30
In Reply To: Re: What Was In Our Outdoor Grill posted by Nyperold on Friday, April 13, 2001, at 20:39:10:

Alright, time for my mouse story...

A few years ago, I was renting a house with my brother. It was big and old, and when we moved in, it was infested with just about every rodent that you could imagine. Mice, rats that enjoyed sliding down the sloping roof, plus tap-dancing possums (well, that's what it sounded like).

One night, a mouse wandered out, so I decided to catch it in a very humane way, and take it out to the bush.

It ran into the lounge room and I had it cornered, but everytime I got close, it would shoot past me, and I couldn't seem to get my hands on it. So I grabbed the first thing I could find on the kitchen bench. This happened to be a can of food that was waiting to be opened. I had the brilliant idea of cornering the mouse, and when it looked like darting of in another direction, I would throw the can and scare the mouse so that would come towards me and I could catch it.

Unfortunately, the plan worked too well. The mouse darted off in another direction, I threw the can and it landed ON TOP OF THE MOUSE!!! Needless to say, the cute little mousie was very flat and squishy. I cried, and felt really guilty...

Now I let someone else deal with mice.

ding"poor little mouse"dong

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